Customer Testimonials

Connie R. (CBD Balance 8mg‎)
Anxiety‎; Pain; Anti-inflammatory
Since I started using CBD, I sleep better and I feel my lungs ( I have COPD) are not as inflamed as they were prior to using it. Also, and more importantly, I have had a lot less anxiety attacks. The ones I have had since using this product are much milder. Thank you!

Lee B. (CBD Complete 20mg‎‎)
I started taking this product, which I purchased from my local Vitamin Depot, in hopes of curbing my anxiety. I have been taking this product for over half a month now and it really seems to be helping. My general everyday anxiety level is far less than it used to be. I have had one bad anxiety flare up, but that was during the first week, since then I have felt much better and am able to enjoy life more. Thanks so much!

Vilmarie R. (Hemp Spectrum 50mg‎‎)
I came across this by picking up my pain medication (morphine) and while I was waiting my pharmacist had flyers on this and I asked questions and they gave me a sample box w 2pills then I purchased a bottle and so far I'm liking how I'm feeling ..thank you

Jennifer W. (THC 50mg‎‎)
Anxiety‎; Epilepsy/Seizures‎; Pain;
This product can last up to 8 hours before I take another supplement. I just had a double emergency hip replacement. I have been able to decrease my pain meds and anxiety meds.

Allie W. (THC 50mg‎‎)
Anxiety‎; Pain;
I absolutely am estatic I found you guys. I had such a hard time with my back pain but I can now go out and have fun with my friends and be part of something that matters. I have a hard time always affording it but when I can it&rsquos the first thing on my to-purchase list.

Ilana G. (CBD Complete 20mg‎‎)
Anxiety‎; Depression‎;
I started using your product while looking for a supplement that could get me weened off of Ativan which I took nightly for sleep. I have a very overactive brain and can't seem to shut it off at night. I had previously been taking some type of sleeping pill for over 8 years. M y partner and I were trying to have a baby and I knew I could no longer take the Ativan for sleep due to risk to fetal development. I asked my fertility specialist if they had any concerns with me taking a CBD product to aid in my sleep and they gave me the green light considering this product did not contain THC. I have had very good results with your product and no longer take prescription medication for sleeping. Every now and again I still have the occasional bad night, but I think that is normal for most people. My anxiety has lessened and I have more balanced moods as well!

Dave B. (THC 50mg‎‎)
Pain; Sleep Assistance;
The Procana CBD product is helping me to avoid prescription medication with harmful side effects. The Procana CBD product is helping to relief my chronic pain and providing relief to help me sleep at night so I do not wake up multiple times throughout the night. The combination of Procana CBD 20mg and the Procana THC 15mg once a day at bedtime is what works best for me to help me sleep through the night.

Sara V. (CBD Complete 20mg‎‎)
Pain; Sleep;
I found this product at my local pharmacy once cad and the products were available for sale in California. I have a current state issued Medical Marijuana card and had a doctor recommendation for a year before recreational use was legal. I had been using other products from the marijuana dispensary for almost two years before I found and tried this product. It worked so well for my pain and insomnia that I gave samples to some of my friends who also have pain and other related issues. The next time I went to the pharmacy to buy more because I was almost out of the pills, they were all sold out (I blame all my friends who went and bought the pills after they tried my samples)! I just bought a bottle of the tincture since it is also available at the pharmacy. I have had good results with herbal and medical marijuana tinctures in the past and think this product will also work for me.


Our Favorite Customer Testimonials

Lea V. (CBD Balance 8mg)
Anxiety‎; Depression‎; Pain; PTSD; Fibromyalgia; Arthritis; Nausea
Thank you for making such an amazing product. I can tell a huge difference in my pain levels as well as my mood. My family has noticed the positive changes also.

John T. (CBD Balance 8mg)
Depression‎; Pain;
Im 63, had a head on car accident in 86 helps me so much cant get my day started without it.

Jeremiah M. (Hemp Spectrum 50mg‎‎)
I love this product so far! My creaky knees and lower back pain is almost non existent. I had a single vertebrae spinal fusion 2 years ago and it still gets painful. This is the best thing I have found to help.

Danielle Z. (CBD Complete 20 mg)
"My teenage daughter has dealt with near debilitating anxiety for several years. We have tried multiple pharmaceutical drugs with minimal relief and frightening side effects. As a last-ditch effort to find her some relief, we thought we’d give CBD a try. It has been a wonder for her! Excellent management of her anxiety with zero side effects. She is able to carry out the daily functions of her college and work load without any issues. Highly recommend Procana!"

Catherine T. (CBD Complete 20 mg)
"I am a 58 years old woman. CBD Complete 20 mg was prescribed by my naturopath to palliate the relentless pain in my cervical due to disk degeneration. During the two years prior to taking Procana, I had been seen by physical therapists, osteopaths, acupuncturist, all to no avail. Procana 20 mg rendered me pain free within 2 or 3 weeks. I take it daily and it has allowed me to return to a soft yoga regime while also swimming. I should say that it has also had other benefits such as calming effect and thought focus"

Lynnea B. (Hemp Spectrum 50mg)
Anxiety‎; Depression‎; Migraines;
"I have suffered from anxiety for more than half of my life. After trying out several homeopathic, herbal, and prescription medicines, CBD was brought to my attention. After my first try of a different CBD brand, I felt the tension melt out of me. I was pointed towards Procana by my doctor. I am so very thankful to have found this product! The CBD is very effective and at a reasonable price. Thank you so much for making this available. It has helped with generalized anxiety disorder more than I can say and is also a helpful boost while winter brings on S.A.D."

Jody R. (CBD Balance 8mg)
Cancer; Pain;
"After fighting melanoma for the past 7 years and having 11 surgeries my physician recommended CBD Oil, specifically Procana, as she felt it would help fight the cancer as an anti-inflammatory agent. To date, I have not had a recurrence for the past three months, which is the first time in over two years I'm not facing a surgery!!! I also noticed not having pain in my back and knees (I have arthritis) only about 3 or 4 days of starting the CBD oil. Another wonderful benefit. Also, my husband has a neurostimulator in his back for chronic back pain and since starting this product he has not turned on his stimulator in three months!! He is pain free. What a wonderful option to have instead of stimulators and pain pills. I have recommended this product to anyone who will listen. It has changed our lives!"

Chris F. (CBD Complete 20mg‎‎)
Multiple Sclerosis;
This product was really helpful with calming my body down. It also helps with my muscle spasms. I smoke weed but never took CBD I’m impressed. Looking forward to purchasing more. I also can’t wait to take after I take an injection that is therapy for my M.S. That therapy causes pain and alot of discomfort. I would rather take these soft gels than opioids.

Karen L. (CBD Complete 20mg‎‎)
Anxiety‎; Depression‎; Pain;
Since taking CBD, I have been able to stop my pain pills. Still taking anxiety meds but I feel more in control.

Marcelina L. (CBD Complete 20mg‎‎)
Anxiety‎; Pain; PTSD; Hypertension‎; Migraines; Endometriosis;
This was recommended to me by my Naturopathic doctor for medical reasons stated above. It has helped me and my husband tremendously. It put his ulcerative colitis into remission. I've been able to wean myself off of several medications that aren't good long term. I wish more people had access to these products. I've been telling friends and family.